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Suburban House


Buyers Home Inspection

Our standard inspection take approximately 3 hours and will provide you a wealth of information to assist you in making a sound purchase decision. All the visible conditions regarding defects or maintenance issues that are noted during the inspection are recorded and outlined within our computerized report for your reference. The results of testing carried out to various components such as Air conditioners, heating, water heaters etc. are also recorded for your reference which can also be used as proof of operation for any home warranty claim in the future if needed.


Site Overview ~ Drainage ~ Walls ~ Fences ~ Crawl Space ~ Electrical ~ Heating ~ Air Conditioning ~ Foundation ~ Roof ~ Attic ~ Plumbing ~ Insulation ~ Ventilation ~ Porches ~ Patios ~ Decks ~ Garage ~ Water Heaters ~ Baths ~ Kitchen


Sellers Home Inspection

When planning to sell your present home, it's vital to have a current, accurate understanding of it's overall condition. Nothing will kill a potential sale faster then the discovery of a significant defect. Our inspection report will give you an opportunity to make repairs before they can affect the sale. The report will help you to determine whether, and by how much, to alter your asking price. The information we provide also helps you to evaluate your risk exposure with regard to disclosure claims and terms of the sale contract.

Here Are A Few Of The Important Benefits Of Having The Home Inspected BEFORE It Gets Put On The Market:


  1. Helps buyers feel immediately more comfortable with the property.

  2. Increases the homebuyer's perceived value of the property.

  3. Gives the sellers the opportunity to eliminate certain defects before the buyer's arrive.

  4. Allows the sellers the proper time to make any needed repairs in order to more effectively market the in the most positive light.

  5. Reduces the likelihood that buyers will hire their own inspector.

  6. Reduces the likelihood of costly surprises being found by a buyer's inspector after the sellers thought they had a firm offer. 

  7. Virtually eliminates emotionally and financially draining renegotiations.

  8. Increases the likelihood that serious offers will turn into closings.

  9. Reduces the buyer's negotiating leverage regarding the existing property conditions.

For Sale


On the Phone

New Construction Inspection

Mistakes and oversights are common in new home construction, even with the best  of builders. A new house is built and assembled by dozens of individual workers and groups of specialists like, framers, electricians, plumbers and roofers. Frequently, a builder may be constructing several houses simultaneously, and crews float from house to house to perform their specialty. Sometimes things get out of sequence, or are over looked, forgotten, or not checked by the crew leader for quality assurance. Our New Construction Inspection is designed to  review all of the major structural components, finish work, and systems of a newly-constructed house to ensure nothing was overlooked, and that industry standard materials and workmanship were employed throughout.

Housing Development

End of Year Warranty Inspection

The first anniversary of your new home is fast approaching and your Warranty is about to expire. This is your last chance to have any faults in your house's covered items corrected. We take your warranty in hand and give your house a thorough, top-to-bottom inspection specifically focused on those areas covered by the warranty and where major repairs or alterations might occur. Our computerized report will prove invaluable when you set down with the warranty company to report and negotiate the repair of the unsatisfactory conditions.

Bill Check

Other Services & Testing Available

We provide nearly every type of service and test related to today's building inspection and maintenance. From Siding evaluation/Moisture evaluation, Pool and equipment, Sprinkler systems, Well water and equipment  testing, Sea walls, Docks,  Bulk heads, Septic systems, Radon testing, Lead testing, Mold testing and more.

Outdoor Pool
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